tiistai 1. kesäkuuta 2010

The Scientific Proof That Alkaline Minerals Are Critical To Your Health

Recent scientific research into human health, sickness & disease has shown with increasing evidence that living an acid-lifestyle is extremely detrimental to health & that by living alkaline you can increase your health, energy, vitality, immune system, youthfulness and protect yourself from disease.

As recently as October 2009, a Cambridge University study published in the highly respected British Journal of Nutrition stated:

The concept of diet-induced ‘acidosis’ as a cause of disease has been a subject of interest for more than a century. The present article reviews the history of our evolving understanding of physiological pH, the physiological support for the concept of ‘acidosis’, the causes of acidosis, how it is recognized, its short-term effects as well as the long-term clinical relevance of preventative measures, and the research support for normalization of pH. The available research makes a compelling case that diet-induced acidosis…is a real phenomenon, and has a significant, clinical, long-term pathophysiological effect that should be recognized and potentially counterbalanced by dietary means.1

The researchers, Pizzornoa, Frassettoa and Katzinger have clearly identified that acidosis
(increased acidity in the blood) is a very real threat to our health. Furthermore, research has shown that the effects of acidosis can directly contribute to various cancers, arthritis, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, Crohn’s disease and kidney disease. Yes, all of the top five killers in Western society and a whole lot more.

Alkaline Diet & Cancer
In March 2009, Robey, Baggett, Kirkpatrick et al published a paper in the American Association for Cancer Research Journal proving that alkaline minerals (in this case NaHCO3) that raise the extracellular pH of cancer tumor cells and prevent metastasis. Their research shows that the pH of the tumors are always acidic and by using highly alkaline minerals to raise the pH – the growth of the cancer (and involvement of lymph nodes) is prevented.

Source: Cancer Research 69, 2260, March 15, 2009

2 kommenttia:

  1. Hei, mielenkiintoinen blogi ilmeisesti alkamaisillaan. Miksi kirjoitat muuten englanniksi? Kyllähän sitäkin lukee, mutta näissä muutenkin haastavissa ravinto- ja osin biologiaan ym. liittyvissä asioissa tietysti helpompi olisi lukea suomeksi.

  2. Juu, olen aloittamassa bloggaamista ja mietin tätä kieliasiaa. Minulla on asiakkaita sekä ulkomailla että Suomessa ja halusin tavoittaa molemmat, joten päädyin englantiin. Se on totta, että näitä asioita lukisi mielellään äidinkielellään ja ajattelinkin, että starttaisin myös rinnakkaisen blogin suomeksi.


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